- Management Philosophy - Statement of Management
- Qualifications of Principal. - Resumé, ISL Projects, Publications, Membership, and Awards
- ISL Miner - A software spreadsheet program that forecasts, budgets, and generates
ISL mining capital and operating costs based on given geologic and production assumptions.
- Resource Evaluations - Geostatistic resource evaluation of mining projects.
- Ion Exchange - Commerical In-situ Leach (ISL) uranium projects that employed an ion exchange design the principal has developed and operated.
- Vacuum Dryer Designs - AES can design a vacuum dryer for your location and production requirements.
- The Resource Library - A collection of technical papers, resources, and chemistry information concerning ISL technology.
- Reclaimed and Restored ISR sites in Texas - Successful Mining Legacies - A collection of pictures of uranium mining sites in Texas during and after reclamation. All properties were restored to unrestricted surface utilization and groundwater restored to original class use.
- Ground Water Restoration at ISR Sites - A comprehensive study comparing baseline to restored water chemistry at ISR sites in Texas.
- Personal Involvement with ISL Projects